
Job Opportunities

Eastern Bartholomew Water Corporation takes pride in serving the community. Our success is based on our workforce putting customers and quality first. We value the safety and integrity of all customers and  Eastern Bartholomew Water Corporation employees.

Equal Opportunity Employer

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer that hires and trains regardless of race, color, veteran status, age, sex national origin or religion.

Current Job Openings

There are no job openings at the current time. However, please feel free to drop off or send us a resume at any time. All resumes will be reviewed and all positions will be posted on our website prior to being filled.

50+ Years of Experience

Our company was founded almost 50 years ago on June 29th, 1970. Currently we’re servicing over 5,200 homes, businesses and schools.

Playing by the Rules

Eastern Bartholomew Water Corporation’s rates and policies are governed by the rules, regulations and rate schedules approved by the IURC. 

Areas We Provide Service

Our area currently includes northern, eastern and southern Bartholomew County, as well as parts of north western Jennings and southern Johnson County.

Have questions?

Call our customer care specialist


(812) 526-9777

Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

To report emergencies after hours select Option 6.